So you want to be a syndicated cartoonist...
When I first started AstroNerdBoy's Comic Strips, I only had a few of my favorite syndicated comic strips. Then two people e-mailed me to let me know about their web strips (Jon Winebrenner
Frayed Knot
and Pete Abrams Sluggy Freelance).
I loved both of their strips and so grew my collection of web strips. Since then, I've been asked by cartoonists questions about syndication. I felt stupid not knowing so I went out and asked some of my favorite cartoonist about the business. As I get their responses, I will post them here! In the near future, I'll try to add some additional information sources (books, magazines, web sites). Stay tuned!!
E-mail interviews done by me:
David Gilbert, Buckles
Brooke McEldowney,
9 Chickweed Lane
Susan Kelso, Horrorscope
Doug Shannon, Claire
Rick Detorie,
One Big Happy
Jim Toomey, Sherman's Lagoon
Mark Tonra,
James; Top of the World
Joe Martin, Willy & Ethel;
Mr. Boffo; Cats With Hands
Ted Dawson, Spooner
Bill Amend, FoxTrot
Mike Peters, Mother Goose and
Phone interviews done by me:
Articles and interviews done by others for me:
If you are a syndicated cartoonist and you'd
like to submit an article,
"From Scratch to Syndication: The Story of
The story of Jerry Seltzer's story on the road to syndication is told here.
Note: Gunchello was syndicated
by a small company that recently went out of
Jerry SWEARS he will finish this series!
Can it be done?
Designing the strip.
Here are interviews
and articles of interest:
Here is a list of links to the submission pages of the major syndicates:
Books on the